
Poppy Seed Babka

Poppy Seed Babka

Poppyseed Babka Recipe is like a cake and a sweet bread in one. Soft sweet yeast dough with cream cheese and poppy seed filling twisted into a decadent wreath.
Prep Time: fifteen minutes
Cook Time: twenty minutes
Rise Time: one hour thirty minutes
Total Time: thirty five minutes
Servings: ten servings



  • one cup whole milk
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • four tbsp unsalted butter
  • half tsp table salt
  • two large eggs
  • two ½ tsp active dry yeast
  • three 1/3 cups all-purpose flour, measured then sifted


  • eight oz cream cheese, softened
  • a quarter  cup granulated sugar
  • 12.5 oz canned poppy seed
  • powdered sugar, for dusting, optional


    • Preheat oven at to three hundred sixty five°F at step ten.
    • Cover a large baking sheet with parchment paper, lightly spray with baking spray. Set aside.
    • In a small saucepan, add butter, salt, sugar and milk, heat until very warm but not hot (no warmer than one hundred  degrees).
    • Remove from heat and add whisked eggs and yeast, stir to combine. Cover saucepan and allow yeast to activate, about five minutes.
    • Add flour to saucepan and mix to combine. Transfer dough to a large greased mixing bowl and cover (if the saucepan used was large, keep dough in there).
    • Allow the dough to rise 1 half hours or until doubled in size.
    • Combine cream cheese and sugar.
    • Dust surface with flour and roll out the dough to a rectangle, about 13" x 20" in size. The dough will be slightly sticky, keep surface and top of dough floured.
    • Spread poppy seed filling over the dough. Spread cream cheese mixture over poppy seed.
  • Roll up dough into a log, bring log together to create a wreath and bring together ends of log and secure seems.
  • Pull out on the wreath to stretch the dough.
  • With kitchen shears, cut slits in the dough about ½” – ¾” apart.
  • Shape cut slits into a wreath (see pictures and video) and brush with egg wash. As you are shaping the wreath pull dough away.
  • Rise for half hour.
  • Bake until top of babka is golden, about eighteen to twenty two minutes.
  • Once cooled, dust with powdered sugar, optional.

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