
How to make meat in Chinese


Meat is one of the foods that contain the most nutrients needed by the body, and it is one of the special foods. Meat contains a large amount of protein, a high percentage of fat, and many minerals that the body needs, but to avoid disease, it is preferable to eat all foods in moderation, and diversify between red and white meat and vegetables of all kinds.

Serve meat as a full-fat main course during the day. There are many favorite dishes and even required by many members of the family that contain meat, including: grilled meat in the oven, Jordanian mansaf with meat, charcoal grills, mandi, Qidra, and meat in Chinese.


Meat tray in the oven

the ingredients

  • Two kilograms of lamb, cut into medium-sized pieces.
  • Three large onions.
  • Two islands.
  • Sweet pepper (sweet pepper).
  • kilogram of potatoes.
  • Pinch of salt and black pepper.
  • A tablespoon of sumac.
  • A teaspoon of cardamom pods.
  • Two sheets of bay leaf.
  • Half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg.
  • A little vegetable oil.


How to prepare

  • Wash the meat well with warm water and make sure it is clean.
  • Cut the onions into medium-sized slices.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into round rings.
  • Cut the capsicum in the same way after washing all the vegetables well with water.
  • Put the onions in the tray prepared for placing them inside the oven, then add the oil, then put the onions on the gas until they turn brown.
  • Remove the tray from the heat, then add the meat, and all the spices while keeping a few of them to put the vegetables, then stir and stir the meat well with the spices until the flavor is homogeneous and enters the meat.
  • Then add the chopped carrots, sweet peppers and potatoes on top of the meat.
  • Add two cups of water to the meat, cover the tray with tin foil, then put it inside the oven on high heat for a quarter of an hour, then reduce the oven temperature to medium, and leave it inside the oven for two hours until it is completely cooked.
  • Remove it from the oven and red face if needed.
  • Serve hot with many cold salads, including: lettuce with garlic, spicy salad, and mushroom soup.


Oven meat and carrots

the ingredients

  • Two large onions.
  • Three grains of carrots.
  • Half a cube of chicken broth.
  • Five tablespoons of vinegar.
  • Two kilograms of lamb.
  • pinch of salt.
  • Pinch of black pepper.
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.


How to prepare


Cut the onions into wings, and the carrots into large cubes, then put them in a tray with a high edge. Put the meat cubes on top of the vegetables in the tray, then sprinkle with salt, pepper and vinegar, and mix all the ingredients. Leave the ingredients to soak for five minutes, then put the broth cube and pour a cup of water. Cover the tray with aluminum foil well, close it tightly, and put it in the oven for two hours at 180°C, until the meat is completely cooked.

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